A 1610 map of Northampton by John Speed. St Peter’s is marked by the ‘S’ to the south of castle in the bottom left corner.

A section of John Speed’s 1610 map of Northampton showing St Peter’s to the south east of the castle

The 1743 Hesilrige survey rotated to the north. St Peter’s is located in the centre of this plan.

An enlarged section of Noble & Butlin’s 1747 plan showing the proximity of St Peter’s to the castle site.

A section of Wood & Law’s plan of Northampton, 1847. Showing St Peter and the remains of the castle site. The area around the church becoming built up.

An 1884 Ordnance Survey 1:500 map

An 1899 25″ Ordnance Survey map. The former castle site is now occupied by the London & North Western Railway’s Castle station and goods shed.